E-mail: [email protected]
Telegram: NowContact
WorkTime(GMT+8): 8:00-23:00(Not online)
  • Please transfer according to the account number provided on the order page. We will update it from time to time. Don't enter it wrong

    Contact us

    Our existence is the self-service exchange service that responds and supports customers in a timely manner!

    In order to ensure satisfactory efficiency and good experience of your exchange, our online customer service guarantees a quiet service that will not disturb and ignore you. When you have any problem, you can ask our customer service for consultation and help: the fastest way is to use the instant chat window on the website page, support the access through Telegram, and get a faster response through email.


    For people outside of China, please use English for consultation. English, thank you!


     Email: [email protected]

                   [email protected]   



    (The email system may misjudge normal emails as spam and we will not receive notifications. If you have not received a reply, you can remind us through the website's livechat)


    Telegram: ClickHere

     Phone:  unavailable for now


    Dear potential customers, please feel free to use our services and let us help you.


    Service comments
    2025-01-20 00:23SHVETSOV DANIL

    I completed payment, but I received message that it didn't finish

    2025-01-17 14:12Gene

    all-in-all took 10 min to use the finest exchange rate. beautiful

    2024-12-02 08:50jie


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